Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Body inspiration
I am desperately in need of a body make-over, and need to get my quickly-softening butt doing some exercise. I'm posting some pictures from old Victoria's Secret fashion shows to give me some body inspiration. I'm thinking about posting these up around the house too. I'm sure my fiance wouldn't mind!
Monday, 19 October 2009
Ivanka Trump jewellery collection
Speaking of Ivanka Trump, her luxury jewellery collection is breath-takingly beautiful. Who knew that in addition to having the Midas touch, Ivanka could also turn things into diamonds so easily? Whether or not she actually designs the jewellery herself is unclear, but either way, her collection is beautiful, and complements Ivanka's style. Ivanka's store is located on NYC's Madison avenue, with another one rumored to be opening in Vegas shortly.
For a dangly-earring lover such as myself, these jewels are dreamy. Shame most of Ivanka's pieces cost an arm and a leg, and will have to be admired from a distance, for me at least.
For a dangly-earring lover such as myself, these jewels are dreamy. Shame most of Ivanka's pieces cost an arm and a leg, and will have to be admired from a distance, for me at least.
Confidence is key
I have many goals in life, but I would say that my key ones are very simple; building more happiness and more confidence. Well, I say simple, but actually both of those things take much time, effort, learning, and observing. I really do think that ones leads to the other; if you are happy, you will be more confident, and vice versa.
One person whose poise and confidence (and beauty!) I really admire is Ivanka Trump. Sure, she's been given every shot at making a success of her life, but I really feel she's used that to her advantage, and used her connections, experience and access wisely, choosing to learn from key people, and putting herself on the spot. I find her attitude realistic, healthy, and inspirational, but also enviable. She exudes confidence, but admits she still has lots to learn both in life and business.
I really want to get my hands on Ivanka's new book, The Trump Card, which promises to assert inspiration, success, confidence, and passion. I hope to be able to get my hands on it asap!
One person whose poise and confidence (and beauty!) I really admire is Ivanka Trump. Sure, she's been given every shot at making a success of her life, but I really feel she's used that to her advantage, and used her connections, experience and access wisely, choosing to learn from key people, and putting herself on the spot. I find her attitude realistic, healthy, and inspirational, but also enviable. She exudes confidence, but admits she still has lots to learn both in life and business.
I really want to get my hands on Ivanka's new book, The Trump Card, which promises to assert inspiration, success, confidence, and passion. I hope to be able to get my hands on it asap!
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Nothing like a Burberry down coat to keep me warm this winter...
This week has been a complete crazy emotional roller-coaster. I've started my first Helsinki job, hated my first Helsinki job, resigned from my first Helsinki job, and signed a contract for my second Helsinki job. What's in store next week? Let's hope it's an exciting but drama-free week at the second Helsinki job.
With so much going on, I've hardly noticed the weather turning absolutely freezing, quite literally. It's late at night, and I'm sure the temperature is well below zero. Good thing I found my perfect winter coat last week! It's nothing like the fur-collared dreamcoat I was looking for, but I fell in love the moment I tried it on. The winters here are filled with dreary greys and blacks, and I want something happier this year. And yes, I know it's impractical, but that's what dry-cleaners are there for.
With so much going on, I've hardly noticed the weather turning absolutely freezing, quite literally. It's late at night, and I'm sure the temperature is well below zero. Good thing I found my perfect winter coat last week! It's nothing like the fur-collared dreamcoat I was looking for, but I fell in love the moment I tried it on. The winters here are filled with dreary greys and blacks, and I want something happier this year. And yes, I know it's impractical, but that's what dry-cleaners are there for.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Sienna's got my scarf!
I've been lusting after this beautiful blue/purple LV stole for a few months now, and Sienna's obviously been thinking the same thing. This luxuriously large cashmere and silk stole designed by Stephen Sprouse comes in three different colours, of which this blue one is my favourite. I'm loving the light pink as well, but let's face it, it would just wash out my light scandinavian colouring. Am so checking if these are available in the Helsinki store, and having a look once my first paycheck arrives.

source: instyle.co.uk
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Dropin aikoo katumuodin ykköseksi
Stumbled on quite an interesting article on the Markkinointi & Mainonta website, which talks about a new streetstyle concept store, Dropin, opening in Helsinki's Forum shopping centre, this month. Looks like the store will really be embracing social media and online as well. This is a great idea - just look at how well asos.com have done! Asos obviously do all their business online, but are also very active on twitter and facebook, with competitions, updates, and benefits that are actually interesting for their target market.
Nuorison katumuotiin erikoistunut Dropin lanseeraa Suomeen myymäläkonseptin, joka perustuu monikanavaiseen asiakaspalveluun. Myymälä palvelee asiakkaita verkkokaupassa, myymälöissä, mobiilipalvelussa sekä noutopisteissä.
– Idea uuden konseptin kehittämiseen lähti liikkeelle reilu vuosi sitten, kun keskustelimme maahantuojien kanssa Suomen vähäisestä erikoisliikkeiden määrästä. Yhdistämällä vahvan verkkokaupan, myymälän, noutopisteen sekä vuoden vaihteessa avautuvan mobiilipalvelun edut uskomme nousevamme Suomen johtavaksi katumuodin kaupaksi, kertoo uuden konseptin kehittänyt Juha Valvanne tiedotteessa.
Helsingin avautuu lokakuussa Dropinin ensimmäinen myymälä. Valikoimiin kuuluu noin 40 katumuodin ja lautailukulttuurin merkkiä.
– Monikanavakonseptin kriittisimpiä elementtejä ovat asiakaspalvelu ja toimivat palvelupisteet. Helsingin Pitäjänmäessä sijaitsevalla noutomyymälällä on tärkeä rooli asiakkaan kohtaamisessa, sillä se antaa kasvot verkkokaupallemme. Sinne asiakkaamme voivat saapua sovittamaan ja noutamaan tuotteita sekä lainaamaan vaikkapa lumilaudan testattavakseen, Valvanne sanoo.
Dropinin verkkokauppa hyödyntää myös sosiaalista mediaa. Siihen on rakennettu reaaliaikaiset integraatiot Facebookiin, Twitteriinja muihin suomalaisiin yhteisöpalveluihin.
Mukana konseptin kehittämisessä on ollut Smilehouse, jonka ohjelmisto toimii verkkokaupan teknisenä alustana.
Source: Markkinointi & Mainonta
Source: Markkinointi & Mainonta
Friday, 2 October 2009
Hunt for the perfect mascara
It seems to me that the hunt for the perfect mascara is never-ending. I've decided to can all my previous favourites (Guerlain's Le Deux, Guerlain's Maxilash, Dior's Diorshow and Ultimeyes, Maybelline's Full 'n' Soft... the list goes on and on) in favour of Chanel's Inimitable. This is what I'm going out to try to buy and trial today.
Any other recommendations for a great mascara which lengthens, thickens, lifts and darkens, makes my lashes look fake with a consistency more wet than dry, and comes with a three bedroom apartment and swimming pool, are happily taken on board.
Any other recommendations for a great mascara which lengthens, thickens, lifts and darkens, makes my lashes look fake with a consistency more wet than dry, and comes with a three bedroom apartment and swimming pool, are happily taken on board.
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